Monday Morning Thoughts

This past Sunday we talked about overcoming obstacles and we used the story of David defeating Goliath in 1 Samuel 16 and 17 as the example. David overcame the criticism of the naysayers, the culture of fear, his own self-doubts, and the obstacle of waiting to win the battle. For us to overcome the battles in our lives we have to overcome many of these same obstacles.

One battle David overcame we didn’t talk about Sunday is found in 1 Samuel 17:38. In this verse King Saul is finally willing to allow the shepherd boy to fight the Philistine giant, but he wants to dress David in his own armor. David tries them on but they don’t fit. He finally says to Saul, “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” 1 Samuel 17:39. The spiritual application is clear. Often times good meaning people want us to fight our battles in their armor. They mean well, but the problem is their armor is for them and it does not fit us. We have to fight the battles before us with our eyes of the Lord, believing His promises, and with the tools and resources He has given us. If we try to use someone elses armor we will never win the battle. God wants us to trust Him for what we need to overcome the obstacles in our lives. When we trust Him completely, then we will know Him in a new way.

This week keep your eyes on the Lord, believe in His promises, and be an overcomer!

Blessings my friends,
Pastor Bob

Monday Morning Thoughts

Sunday we looked at the passage from Exodus 34:6-7. Its part the of the story where Moses wanted to see the face of God, but God told Moses no one can see My face and live. So God puts Moses into a crevice in a rock and covers Moses with His hand while His presence passes by. As God is passing by He tells Moses some of His attributes. In the message Sunday we looked at the 7 attributes God reveals about Himself to Moses: compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. What is interesting to me is why God chose to reveal these attributes about Himself at this time. I think it was because of relationship. Moses and God enjoyed an intimate relationship like no one else, but there had to be a little reserve in Moses heart. When God first came to Moses and revealed His plan Moses response was “Who am I.” Moses didn’t feel worthy to be used of God, but he also must have felt unworthy to have this intimate relationship with the Lord. So, God speaks to Moses’ insecurities and says… I AM compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. This must have been most reassuring to Moses. Have you ever been like Moses and said, “Who am I.” Today take comfort in who God is and feel at peace in His presence.

Pastor Bob

Monday Morning Thoughts

This Sunday we looked at the story of Jesus walking on the water found in Matthew 14:22-33. In verse 25 it says Jesus came walking on the water to the disciples during the “fourth watch of the night.” The Roman system of keeping time had four time periods during the night in three hour intervals. The forth watch was the last and it was from 3:00 to 6:00 am. So, when Jesus came walking on the water it was late, really late! The disciples had been struggling all night, trying to row their boat across the lake but was unsuccessful. It appears Thomas Fuller an English theologian was the first person to put to writing the expression we are so familiar with, “It’s always darkest just before the dawn.” What that expression means is we often don’t see our help until we have reached our lowest point. That expression describes the disciples well, they were undoubtedly at their lowest point. Jesus came to them at what they thought was their lowest point, but actually it was perfect timing. In Mark’s account of the story (Mark 6) it says that Jesus “saw the disciples straining at the oars.” Jesus was watching them and He waited until the right time. This week let’s remember Jesus timing is perfect. Keep believing Jesus is watching and has the situation under control.

Peace my friends,
Pastor Bob

Monday Morning Thoughts

This Sunday we looked at Mark 5:1-20. It’s the story of the man called Legion. It’s a great reminder of the power of Jesus to transform a life. At the end of the story the man wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus stopped him and sent him to witness to God’s mercy. Today aren’t you thankful we don’t have to make the same decision the man did. We don’t have to decide between being with Jesus and being His witness. Today the Holy Spirit lives in the heart of the believer, He goes with us to be His witness. Sunday we sang the song “He abides, He abides, Hallelujah He abides with me!” As we go on our way this week let’s remember Jesus command to witness, and at the same time abide in Him.
Many blessings,
Pastor Bob

Monday Morning Thoughts

Yesterday we so enjoyed the ministry of Jon Sheptock (! His powerful testimony touched the heart of everyone who attended. One of the things he talked about that especially touched me was when he spoke about contentment. He said he was content with the way he was born, the way God formed him. Wow, what a powerful message! Born with no arms and one short leg one could see how Jon could be very angry, but he was content. I think Jon has found the peace the Apostle Paul was talking about in Philippians 4 when he said… 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

This week as we go about our lives, let’s practice contentment. Contentment in the provisions God has provided, contentment in the way God made us, contentment in the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Pastor Bob

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Our message from Sunday was on the topic of “The Wisdom of Friendship”, Proverbs 27:9. This passage teaches us that having a friend is “pleasantness”. There are many simple pleasures in life that lighten our load and bring joy to our hearts, and one of those is having friends. We went on to look at other passages that talked about how friends tells us the truth (Pr 27:6), and how friends sharpen us to be better people (Pr 27:17). One thing we didn’t talk about is how friends help us live a more healthy life. There are many studies that say having a friend lowers the blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease. Other studies say friends are a great benefit to our mental health. Turns out the Lord is right again, friends are a pleasantness to the soul! This week as we go about our business, don’t forget about old friends, and look forward to new ones.

O Lord, thank You for friends and bless us with new ones. Amen

Have a great week in the Lord!
Pastor Bob

Monday Morning Thoughts

In yesterday’s message we looked at the story of the woman at the well in John 4. It is a beautiful story of Jesus love and acceptance of the outcast and lonely. But, it’s also a powerful evangelistic example. The woman brought an entire village to Jesus with a simple evangelist invitation, “Come and see, a man who told me everything I ever did, could this be the Christ?” There are three parts to her message, invitation, testimony, proclamation. The great part is it worked, many people believed in Jesus and He stayed with them a couple of days! This week as we go about our business let’s use this simple message to invite people to Jesus. I truly believe people are looking for a Savior!

Blessings, Pastor Bob