IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the July 4th Holiday, there will be no food distribution July 4th. Our next distribution will be July 18th at our normal times.
Food Pantry
New Horizon Church has been a food pantry for the Montgomery County Food Bank for over 16 years. Food is distributed two times per month, the first and third Thursday of each month beginning at 11:30 am until all food is distributed. Distribution is a drive through, recipients remain in their vehicle.
First time recipients only need to bring some type of identification. No other paperwork is required. Questions can be directed to the church office, (936.756.3507) or come to the food distribution.
For a list of all Montgomery Country food distribution locations click here.
Did you know that the Montgomery County Food Bank…
Serves 40,000 people monthly
Serves 10 Million meals annually
$1 of your donations = 5 meals for those in need within our community
The VISION at the MCFB and New Horizon Church is to end hunger in our community!